学术服务 & 项目

Learning 连接ions

The Student Support 服务 (SSS) 连接ions are offered every fall. The SSS learning communities link the freshmen Introduction to Higher Education course (ORIE 101) with the student's choice of academic class. Students can choose from sociology (SOCI 100) or psychology (PSYC 150).

We have teamed up with an instructor from each of these departments to offer an orientation class that is linked to a particular content area. We offer study groups, 复习, and help in these areas to make the student's first semester at FSU a successful endeavor.

All freshmen must enroll in orientation. 连接ing the orientation course with an academic course is a fantastic way to help students in their first semester. So, whether you choose sociology or psychology, you will be guaranteed to have help along the way. It is an excellent program with 非常成功 利率.

Class size is limited. Please contact us if you are interested in our connections. We look forward to meeting you!


Each SSS participant is required to participate in at least one workshop each semester. The SSS Program encourages students to attend as many workshops as they would like. The workshops cover a wide array of topics, such as financial aid, 学生贷款, 个人理财, 学习技巧, 时间管理, 实习, resumes and cover letters. Students can attend in person workshops or participate in online workshops through Canvas.

  在线 Canvas 车间s  (accessible to program participants at any time)

  • 写论文
  • 压力管理
  • 时间管理
  • 笔记
  • 教科书阅读
  • 学习风格
  • 学习技巧
  • 学术 Success Skills
  • Graduate School Preparation
  • Career Fair Preparation
  • 金融知识: Money Management
  • 金融知识: Understanding Credit

  Common In Person 车间s  (contact the SSS office for current schedule)

  • 公众演讲
  • 面试技巧
  • 金融援助
  • 学生贷款
  • 简历 & 求职信
  • 金融知识
  • 学术 Requirements

If you have an idea for a future workshop or to access the current workshop schedule, 请澳门赌城官方网站!


Professional Tutoring

We provide professional tutoring in many subjects. Program participants can schedule tutoring appointments online or by calling the office (301-687-4481). 

Courses commonly tutored include:

  • ACCT 211 (Financial Accounting)
  • CHEM 201/202 (General Chemistry I & II)
  • ECON 200 (Basic Economics)
  • ECON 201/202 (Macro and Micro Economics)
  • ENGL 101 (First Year Composition)
  • MATH 109 (Elements of Probability & 统计数据)
  • MATH 118 (Algebra with Calculus for Business) 
  • MATH 119 (College Algebra)
  • PSYC 150 (General Psychology)
  • SOCI 100 (Intro to Sociology)
  • Writing papers for any course

Student Support 服务 also provides participants with access to Net Tutor, a professional online tutoring company. Net Tutor offers support in more than 150 subjects, some of which are available 24 hours a day.



活动 & 事件

We hold various events and activities on and off campus throughout each academic year. Yearly events include our Welcome Back Pizza Party and participation in TRIO Day. We also host graduate receptions twice a year and attend a cultural event or trip at least once per semester. All activities are designed to increase the sense of community within the SSS participants and to expose students to events they may otherwise not have been able to experience.

毕业生公平   文化之旅


8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.